Ok, I'm beyond officially bored and have hoped on the pity train. Too much time off work, off training, off coaching, off  being independent can play on your body and your mind.

You see, I'm not one to watch T.V. hell we don't even have cable and Netflix can get pretty redundant after a while, last night I was so desperate I watched Cinderella and Teenage Mutant Ninga Turtles... I know, dont judge me.

I'm not one to  just sit around, I don't read books which I'm embarrassed to say so it's a good thing Elitefts has enough reading material and education to last me a year so I have been browsing the things I have never had time to read before, so many great articles and athlete logs, you should check them out.

The hardest part to date after surgery has to be the not being able to drive part. I have a stick shift car and it was my right shoulder. I feel trapped especially since Ken has gone back to work, so the days are long and so are the nights. Today I needed some groceries and couldn't get out to get any, no store within walking distance to me but I won't starve for sure, I know poor me.

Today I decided to get off my pity train and do something about my loneliness, sadness and boredom .


So after my lazy 12 hour sleep which was wonderful by the way,( I  will be so glad to remove the sling for sleeping and be able to sleep on my side again), I decided it's time to get my body moving more.

I was going to go for a nice walk then Mother Nature put a damper on that and I said wait, I have a treadmill covered in dust, so there you have it, I jumped off the pity train straight to the treadmill.

I managed 45 Mins at a good pace and an 8 incline, did not want to push it too much, the sad thing about it is I only burned 330 calories which was barely enough to cover my breakfast ! It is a hard tool too burn calories with unless you are running your ass off, running is not my thing nor can I do it right now. But I did walk 2.25 Kms and got my butt off the couch so I'd say I'm making progress ! We could almost call this my first training log post surgery !




So between the treadmill and household chores today I am feeling much better. My son is coming tonight for a sleep over and the best part is tomorrow I'm going for a road trip to see my Granddaughter and spend a few days with her and my Daughter, this will for sure cure anything that ails me.

Recovering from Surgery can be an emotional rollercoaster and it can also be what you make it to be, as long as you recognize when that 1st stage of depression sets in and do something about it is what separates the weak from the strong.

I refuse to get depressed, I have so much to live for, I will lift another day, just not today. Always seek out someone who has been through the same surgery to get advice, tips and ideas from them. I was sure thankful to Debbie & Greg Damminga for their advice from their several shoulder surgeries. It's funny Debbie told me the total opposite the nurse in the hospital told me as far as clothing goes and Debbie was bang on, no way can I zip up a hoodie or do up buttons. Also every time I am in the kitchen I can hear Debbie say the toughest part for her was cooking. Well, I hate cooking on a good day with two arms so this doesn't effect me as much as her ! lol

So until next time, hope you are healthy and happy, I will be off the grid from Sun-Tues enjoying my precious bundle of joy, Amelia !

#livelearnpasson #driven #strongher #injuriessuck #lovebeingagramma