- Warm Up
- Hanging Leg Raise
- Reverse Hypers
- Pull Down Abs
- Face Pulls
- Low Rows
- *2-4 sets (whatever you need)
- Squat
- + Work up to 75% Pm for 3 sets of 3
415 3x3. Been done doin these straps down in my large and in charge canvas suit until the smaller one comes in that will hug my curves.
We found the magic word for squats! It is taint! Dave tried the “spread your taint” thing and that actually worked more than when I think about just trying to push my knees out or push out on my feet. Thinking about opening from my crotchal region actually got me to spread in all the right places. My feet were doing the right thing, my hips were in the right place, and I didn’t have any issues getting down to depth.
Previously, I would get close to depth then do some weird shit with my knees or back (knees forward or a lil bit of pitching forward) (classic newbie moves) but this seems to have put an end to that.
Thanks, Dave Taint.
Use more weight than last week on all the rest…
- Leg Press with Squat Stance
- + 3 sets 5 reps
Another day, another mix of random band shit on the leg press.
Here ya go.
- Reverse Hyper
- + 4 sets 5
10 plates PLUS 25 to do MORE THAN LAST WEEK
- Hanging Leg Raise
- + 3 sets 5 reps (weighted)
- Free Time: suggested items like pull downs, low rows, banded leg curls, ghr,
THE US(usual) (pronounce that like the first part of the word “usual”. I am not sure how to spell that out phonetically). Hamstrings, quads, innie outtie, upper back.
- Warm Up
- Hanging Leg Raise
- Reverse Hypers
- Pull Down Abs
- Face Pulls
- Low Rows
- *2-4 sets (whatever you need)
- Bench Press
- + max effort - Floor Press
WELLLLL someone whose name rhymes with Plate said the bench bar we were using was 55 lbs so I took a little SMART jump for what I THOUGHT was 230 for a 5 lb pr but ends up the bar is 50 lbs so I DID THE SAME THING I ALREADY DID.
- Vertical Pressing (can be standing, seated with back supported - off pins, etc)
- + work up to 3x3
Back to the ol favorite OHP with an angle bar up to a quarter, dime, AND A TWO AND A HALF.
- Pushdowns - Any
- + work up to 3 heavy sets of 5 reps
140 so stronk so good at pushing down
- Low Rows
- + work up to 3 sets of 5
- Free Time: suggested items like pull downs, low rows, shoulders with rope, pull apars, face pulls
Yeah dawg I love free time. I did some upper back, some grip, some other types of shoulders, etc. I pretty much just try to do the things I feel hath been neglected.