Here's the quick catch up....training continues. I have to admit that I haven't had much of an opportunity to sit and devote my full attention to learning the new posting system. This is my attempt and expect that from here on out things will be more consistent. The new site sure is beautiful!
In other "new" news, I was able to mess with a new 3" pinch block. On a 2" I can rock it at I believe 57 lbs or so. So I was eager to see where I would come in on a fatter block. The final verdict was 42 lbs. I really don't have much of a reference point on this so I will take it and consider it a starting point.
New on the home front...The Girl has always loved drama and performing. I suppose on some level I was waiting for it to pass until she found her true athletic love. I always likened it to wanting to be a princess when she grew up. She loves lifting but isn't developmentally ready IMO to commit to it with full attention. Over time I realized how artistically inclined both of my kids are, and have been independently driven without much active support on my end to pursue the things that truly bring them joy. I understand having passion, drive and determination for something and it's shameful in my mind that I haven't been more active in providing the same support to others that I have expected over the years.
The Girl took things into her own hands, auditioned for a play through the local arts commission and got a part. I can live with that, a play here and there. No biggie. Then she announced that she is auditioning for a fine arts charter school for next year. This one will throw a BIG wrench into daily life but it's also something I couldn't find in my heart to veto. We got the audition scheduled for later this month and then started the discussion about the monologue for it.
Monologue? That’s like Chinese to me, I have no idea how to even attempt to support her on this one. At one point in frustration I may or may not have said, “We are athletes, not drama nerds.” Regardless of the activity, coaching is essential, especially related to something with no knowledge about. So now we have an acting coach, audition coach, whatever you want to call it. The moral of this story is when you don’t know how to do something, pay someone who does. Sounds awfully familiar, right?
Letting go of my own expectations is hard but I know she loves lifting and will always stayed anchored to the gym. However, she has some crazy throwing abilities and she isn't very interested in pursuing that. So the new deal…break the school shot record as a sixth grader and *oh my gosh, I can’t believe I am even saying this*….we will get head shots taken for her future auditions. Time will tell how motivating that deal is.
Love and support are unconditional and I always expect the kids to do what brings them joy, but the cheerleading almost killed me. Now we have moved on to fine arts school and head shots. Acting, lifting, whatever. The same principles apply. Find your passion, devote your attention and heart to it and time in the saddle will determine the level of success achieved.