The Start
October 21, 2017, At an EliteFTS Seminar Julia and I, hit it off, prior to this point in time there was no romantic "vibe" between the two of us. There we plenty of times we were together as teammates working alongside one another, heck there were even times where I was strictly helping handle her (2017 Arnold) for 12hrs yet still no exploration into any type of relationship outside of teammates and a respectable friendship. After that seminar and wanted to,"see where this may go" it was quickly apparent what was to follow.
The Move
I'll say a total of two weeks went by and I disclosed to a close friend, "I am going to marry her" which registered hard but logistically did not make any sense what so ever. We were 700 miles apart, even still, it was not a matter of, "this is going to be really hard" but more so a timing issue. That issue quickly disintegrated as life and career changed and moving closer to here was a better life option all the way around mainly for our relationship but also for my career to allow me to grow further. The kids warmed up to me very quickly, even before the move so that was a blessing, as well as, living arrangments. Julias parents are some of the kindest people around and actually offered for me to move into the basement while finishing out my leasing agreement in Memphis. Due to my strong convictions and beliefs, I do not think it was appropriate to live with Julia and the kids prior to marrying her. The kids do not quite understand it yet but the will in a couple years.
The Ring
Using the connections I developed down in Memphis I was able to get connected with a diamond broker, unfortunately, it was literally 2 weeks before the planned moved. I quickly worked with her to pick out the standard of diamond I was looking for, after what seemed to be months of school work to understand all the variables, along with the style of band I wanted it to be set in. I did not design this on my own, Julias sister-in-law was a huge help so thank you to her for blowing up Julia with ring questions and leaking all the information to me.
The day before I left to move was the soonest my jewler could meet with me for me to pick the diamond, it gets better, it just so happened Julia was in town helping me move so she was present. Talk about feeling like a scum bag, "Babe I have to go somewhere that you cannot come with, please trust me on this one, ill drop you off at your favorite store... Target". I honestly think if it was not for Target she would have badgered me for 2 months about that one scenario, lol. All while she was in target I got the diamond picked, and ordered the custom ring, next was to determine when to ask!
My mind was made up pretty quickly as this LTT developed. There was not as much time notice as previous LTT's so I reached out to Dave Tate to get his permission to attempt a smooth proposal at the seminar without taking away from the attendees and their experience. everything fell into place pretty well after that and all due to others busting tail and not me which words cannot express my gratitude for you. Dave for allowing me to do this on a day that was not for "me" but to give back to others and use the resources you have to make this special. Josh, to ask a favor of you and your amazing gifts as a media editor to capture an amazing moment for me. Alycia, for coming up with ideas to kick the proposal off. Ken for some fantastic pictures, and the rest of Team EliteFTS for not saying anything and botching the surprise.
This venue was special to us as this company has done great things not just in the industry but for the development of Julia and I as coaches. Dave and the rest of the team have been nothing but supportive, as they are will all team members. This LLT brings it full circle for myself as the last one that I was able to attend I was there as an attendee and not a team member. Several close friends from back home made the trip for the knowledge of LTT and to help but also for this proposal, Jo Jordan and Yvonna, you are much loved by both Julia and I and we are very thankful for you both.
I am lucky to be where I am today, back in the midwest with Julia and the kids. I am blessed to have people in my life who allowed and helped me put this whole thing together and I am thankful for the support I have gotten from everyone during this exciting and drastic change in my life for the better,