![The Year of 25...[2016]](https://www.elitefts.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/21043526515_f2f01203e4_o.jpg)
There have been a number of things/ideas/experiments I've wanted to try, but felt like all my energy had to be put towards Law School, then the Bar Exam, and I felt like I simply didn't have the bandwidth.
Well, now I have more time on my hands... yes work will take up a lot of my time, but with Law School out of the way I actually have more time with a full time job than I did in school/ studying for the bar exam.
1) More Cardio (not to lose weight or anything of that nature, although those probably would be incidental benefits-- this is in an effort to regain some athleticism I feel like I've lost over time while powerlifting)
2) Limit, Control, and Cycle Caffeine (because I hate any kind of dependency)
3) More bodyweight/gymnastics assistance work and skill work
4) Experiment with various GPP protocols (more on this later!)
5) Learn, implement /experiment with various protocols my teammates detail in their training logs and articles. EliteFTS has a team of such well-educated and experienced lifters, I've just been waiting for the opportunity to really dig in and learn from their logs!