Feeling exhausted and sore from yesterdays yoke had me very unmotivated today. JP was coming out again this morning so I had to pull something together for this session...
tsunami bar bench (light tsunami bar)
45 per side (max for this bar and a lot of whip) for 5 sets of 10 reps
pin press - pin set so the press was about 4"
135 for 3 reps with bench grip and close grip
225 for 3 reps with bench grip and close grip
315 for 3 reps with bench grip and close grip
405 for 2 reps with bench grip and close grip
495 for a single with bench grip - could not press it close grip
The 495 was extremely hard and slow to break from the pins.
Low pulley cable rows
130 for 3 sets of 15
standing military press with angle bar
1 plate per side for 3 sets of 12 reps