Thursday squat- overall pretty frustrating...
Breathing exercises (Pelvic exercises, lying leg raises, lying glute activation)
Glute bridge- no go still
KB swings 30# 3x15
Bottom portion GHR- 3x5 (I figured these out after Dani yelled at me. I was doing the top portion of the GHR when I was supposed to be doing the bottom portion/hip hinge, the latter being much easier. But I'm still not hip hinging correctly after watching the video. My legs should be straight.)
Suitcase carries- 30# KB 2x25yds
-focus on left oblique and glute activation
Sometime between the KB swings and GHR's my low back took over and was fired up. I did one down and back of the suitcase carries, could feel ANY glute activation so I stopped. I thought front squats would still be alright but...
Front squats
Warm up sets with hip circle- I have a large which is way too small.
Bar X 5x3 sets
Issues included:
-tight low back, limiting glute activation and feeling my rib cage pulled down
-IT band pain in my left leg (Dani said as to be expected with my issues)
-zero pop out of the hole (Everything felt bound up, and when I have pain in my IT band my leg doesn't want to fire).
Step ups
50# DB's
-pain in left IT band, no other pain to mention
Unilateral 1/2 leg press (meaning 1/2 ROM)
2 plates per side against double red minis
-left leg slow to fire, IT pain
Band ham curls
3x10x3 sec iso