Jan 10th Monday
Treadmill 6min total. 4.5min 2.5, 3MPH 1.5min
Leg extension 3x8. plate 6/7/8
Leg Curls 3x8. Plate 6/7/7
Adduction/Abduction 3x8 5/6/6, 6/6/6
Calf machine 3x10 (no weight)
Cold brew. In a lot of pain so didn’t time.
January 11th Tues
Treadmill 6min 2.8 for 6min. Had a pretty bad side stitch/rib pain.
FreeMotion Chest press 3x10 w/4plates
FreeMotion Row machine. Plate 5/6/7
FreeMotion shoulder press. Plate 3/4/4
White curl machine 0/1/1
Cold brew. Still had pain but not as bad as yesterday.
January 13th Thurs
Treadmill 3.0 6min straight. Did 1/2 mile
Leg extension 3x8. 7/8/8 plates
Leg curls 3x8. 6/7/8 plates
Adduction/abduction 3x8. 5/6/7. 6/6/7
Cold brew. Got better today, side stitch issue was gone.
January 14th Friday
FreeMotion chest press 3x10. Plate 5/6/7
FreeMotion Row 3x10. Plate 7/8/9
FreeMotion Shoulder 3x10. Plate 4/5/6
White curl machine. 3x12 no weight
Not much just trying to improve little every week while gaining weight and strength. Feeling better has been a tough 6/7yrs but look forward to what future has to hold.
For my groups we wrapped up a 3 week block eccentric based 3/1/1 tempo on all compound lifts and some secondary. They as well as I am ready for the deload next week (lost my voice couple times lol).