After having set an all-time PR on my equipped bench press with 457lbs, I'm now in off season mode getting back to some heavy training while running my gym, THIRST.
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This Tuesday training was a bit tricky as doing some of the pressing work puts a bit of strain on my incision area. Floor press felt good, but I didn't want to push it too much, so my weights weren't as heavy as I would have liked, but I'm refusing to use a belt until at least the 3 month post op period, so I've got about about 6-7 weeks to go until any belt work can even be experimented with. All in all, all this went better than I thought it would. I should be able to slowly ramp the weights up over the next couple weeks.
Items Used in this Training Session
Warm Up
Tons of PRI Based Stuff
A1) Slight Incline DB Bench Press
3x12; ramping the weight up as I could each set
B1) Axle Floor Press
C1) Pec Flys
D1) Seated Bent Over Rear Delt Raises
D2) Seated Lateral Raises
E1) Neutral Grip DB Overhead Press
E2) Supinated Band Pull Aparts