20 Bird dogs
10 Kneeling hip circles
5 kneeling thoracic stretch
SSB box squat 155 10x10
Standing fat bar pulley rows to sternum 140 5x10
Football bar reverse curls 65 4x10
20 Bird dogs
10 Kneeling hip circles
5 kneeling thoracic stretch
20 minutes airdyne
Oh yeah, your fearless narrator got to squat again. It was only 155, but I'll tell you, I felt worked when I was finished. Got my form down and everything felt great. I love the ssb because I can feel it hitting my back also. Nothing better than killing two birds with one stone. Actually, there's probably a lot of things better than killing two birds with one stone, but I digress.
The whole session was nice and fast and I felt adequately worked. I am limiting training to things I "KNOW" will not hurt me. The focus is on the bench. The rest of the work is simply to assist my bench and help me get to my weight goal. I wonder how many times I'll have to say that to myself to keep from doing something stupid?