I am currently in an "off-season" phase focused on putting on some serious bodyweight while still getting stronger. I'm also raising an amazing infant boy, while still working, training and living life. My next competition will be the USS National Championship in late June where I'll be competing in the 220# class.
If you've been following my log you've probably wondered why I haven't posted any updates since the last competition. Unfortunately that's because I haven't trained. I took the week off after the contest to recover as I was pretty beat up. With 4 last man standing events and a heavy keg over bar event I needed a week off before starting my prep for Nationals. I went into the gym last Saturday to start my program for Nationals and didn't get very far. My wrist was hurting to the point I couldn't do very much at all. I had hurt it on the axle clean & press at the contest the week before. I just thought a week of rest and it would be fine. I tried to train upper body on Monday and again was shut down due to the pain.
Tuesday morning a client who is a Physician's Assistant took a look at it and said I needed to go the Doctor and get it checked out because it was still pretty painful and swollen. I went to a local general clinic and after spending 3.5 hours there the PA I saw said it was a stress fracture and put me in a splint and 800mg ibuprofen 3x's a day for a few weeks.
So this puts me at about a month of no real training. On top of this my wife has been out of town this past week and part of the week before. So it's been me and the little one. Our babysitter we use during the week had to have a last minute surgery a couple weeks back and is out for 6 weeks. This has really put us in a bind as well. Plus a family member on my wife's side is having health issues and a family member on my side is having a risky surgery next month. Needless to say things have been crazy and stressful.
On top of everything else I've been sick for 4 weeks now. I've gone through three different prescriptions meds to try to kick it and I finally can see some light at the end of the tunnel.
I don't say any of this to bitch or complain or for anyone to feel sorry for me. I don't want that. I just wanted to let everyone know why I've been MIA and what's been going on.
So what's the plan? Starting today I'm getting back to training. I can't do much, but I'll work around my wrist the best I can. I plan to hit a lot of SSB Squats, SSB Good Mornings, GHRs and abs. Next weekend I'm going to see how the yoke feels and if it puts too much stress on my wrist. Then April 11th I plan to work back into everything the best I can. That'll be 4 weeks post-injury and hopefully enough time for the wrist to feel somewhat back to normal. That puts me at 11 weeks out from Nationals. That's plenty of time for me to prepare and be where I need to be for the big day.
I'll be ready.