*x-band walk
*banded hip extension
*glute bridge
*bird dog
*fire hydrant
Leverage Row
- 45 x 10
- 90 x 10
- 135 x 10
- 180 x 8 x 2
- 100 x 10 x 4
Rope Pressdown
- 100 x 10 x 3
Front Raise
- 45 x 10
- 65 x 10 x 3
Light Band Pull-apart
- 100 total reps
BB Shrug
- 225 x 10
- 315 x 10
- 405 x 15 x 3
All-in-all i felt good today. With there being a lot less pain in my SI joint I can do rows now without pain and hating myself.