Reverse Grip Bench vs. 120 in chains
- Bar x 20
- 135 x 10
- 135 x 10 - added chains
- 225 x 5
- 275 x 3
- 315 x 3
- 225 x 10
Pulley Row
- 180 x 10 x 3
Mini Band Pressdown - single arm
- 100 total reps
Reverse Grip Pressdown
- 65 x 20 x 3
DB Hammer Curl
- 50 x 10
- 70 x 10
- 80 x 10
At this rate I'll be benching 400 reverse grip in no time....
Benching this way helps take pressure off my shoulders and doesn't require my elbows to rotate like a normal bench press. Therefore My elbow hurts less and I can enjoy benching more. Plus it hits my triceps more which will benefit me since my elbow doesn't allow me to do extensions or pressdowns with heavy weight.
View this post on InstagramSince all I can do is bench right now...we bench. Reverse grip cuz it hurts less and a little eye