*super series
Bench (RG)
- Bar x 30 x 3 x 2
- 135 x 10
- 185 x 5
- 225 x 3
- 315 x 1
- 365 x 1
- 405 x 1 - RG PR
- 455 x 1 - slingshot
- 315 x 10
Light Band Pressdown
- 3 sets of 30 reps
Close Grip Pulldown
- 195 x 10 x 3
DB Rear Lateral
- 45 x 15 x 3
Today was a good day of benching. This reverse grip thing is paying off and I'm getting stronger with it along with my elbow and shoulders hurting less. Can't complain about that. I'm even thinking about trying to bench in a shirt like this.