I trained at the YMCA today and let me tell you that people are so rude to serious lifter. I  agree that serious lifter should not be lifting at the YMCA but dang it if I didn't want to slap everyone in there.  Terrible looks and speaking about me right in front of me thinking can't hear them because I had my head phones in but they weren't on so I guess I fooled them. My mind was blown.  Definitely learned my lessen to not ever be rude to people just because of the way they look.  I Don't go the gym all done up and I'm not going to start just because my pants are too tight and my hair is too fuzzy.  Anyways training went well. Hit speed for upper and triceps work.

DB floor presses




Push UPS 5x10

Peck cable fly 4x20

Cable triceps push downs 4x30

Over head triceps ext. 4x10

Single cable triceps kickbacks 3x20

10 min on the bike

100 stability ball crunches.