Lat Saw Pulldown
- 150 x 10
- 180 x 10
- 225 x 10 x3
Pulley Row
- 225 x 10 x 3
DB Hammer Curl
- 60 x 10
- 70 x 10
- 80 x 8 x 2
Reverse Grip Pressdown
- 65 x 15 x 3
Supine Band Pull-apart
- Light band x 100 total reps
Found a leak in a pipe outside my house today so had to hurry through my training today so I could get to Home Depot for the materials to fix it.
On a side note...Flex Tape doesn't work. All it did was cause the water to spray in 3 directions rather than one. So save your money and don't try to fix your boat with it, you'll sink.