![USAPL Raw Nationals Training [4 Weeks Out]](https://www.elitefts.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/21496575524_936c75cc12_z.jpg)
Competition Raw Bench x1 @8, x4 @9 plus 3 down sets (load drop) [ Top set: 185x1]
Floor Press x1 @8, x3 @9 plus 2 down sets (load drop) [Top Set: 185x1]
Squat w/belt x1 @8 85%x3x3 (-8%) [Top Set: 295x1-- feeling extremely fatigued]
Cut the workout short due to feeling ill/faint
Bench (touch and go) x1 @8, x8 @9 plus 3 down sets (load drop) [Top Set: 190x1]
DB Military x8 @6, x8 @7, x8 @8 plus 2 down sets (repeat) [Top Set: 30's x 8]
Deadlift x1 @8 85%x3x3 (-8%) [Top Set: 405x1]
Belt Squat [just did sets of 5 to "feel good"/ get hips mobile and get some blood flowing]