We've all had that day, week, month, year, life (I'm Irish I was born miserable). The world can toss you a plethora of proverbial shit cupcakes against the fan, leaving you covered in crap shrapnel. Being covered in crap shrapnel can put a real damper on a plan, and make you wanna shit can almost anything you have lined up. Just like shit's fancier brother manure, you can USE IT for growth.
So ya had a bad day, big fucking deal, and let's be honest this probably isn't your first, or the last cruise down everything sucks boulevard, so buckle up and meet that shit head on. I'm not huge on the "things could be worse," I feel like that becomes a challenge of sorts, and the powers-to-be always have that one more ace up their sleeve to show you "haha asshole, here ya go." Plus that positive glass half full shit makes my teeth hurt-- sugar coating bullshit.
Life will kick you in the dick over and over again; you have to be like one of those blow-up punching clowns we had growing up in the 80s. I think they're probably banned now, but you gotta bounce right back up. Work sucked- dick kick- pop back up. Fighting with yer "better half"- dick kick- pop back up. I'm going with vanilla shit cause If I drop something like, you had to drive 6 hours to another state to find yer 18-year-old son who is running the streets, and you haven't heard from him in a month other than seeing his name in the newspaper. Oddly specific shit like that would just make this weird and personal, and I'm the people's writer, I write for you.
You can be ten weeks out from a significant meet- hell lets say something like Arnold (for you non-mathing folks- that's ten weeks from today). All you can do is sack up, ladies ya'll want equality, well here ya have it sacking up is for you too, Injured? Sack up, tired, fired, just plum over everything, sack-the-fuckup.
See, when shit shrapnel starts flying that's when it's most important to grind hard and get in the gym and handle yer fucking business. You know why? I'ma tell ya why because 2400 lbs don't give a good god damn fuck about you and/or the shit you got going on. So sack the fuck up, and use it. You don't gotta go in and go nuts and break program, you can up the intensity, shorten rest periods, push a fucking prowler. But never under any fucking circumstance give in to the shit shrapnel and bail out, take all that shit and use it as fuel, fuck it, life might get me on the ropes, but I'm not going out without swinging. Looking life square in the eyes like FYFM.