..Last week, Strongman training got canceled last-minute, so I pulled one of the events we were going to do into my Thursday training session (which is typically all accessories/bodybuilding type movements to support the rest of training).

I did max deadlift reps with 405lbs in 70 seconds, and did 18. Originally my thought was to pace myself and break it into some chunks, but I quickly realized how much I underestimated the energy I waste resetting/redoing straps/getting momentum going again. Next time I do this I'm going to push the first chunk of reps further, and I'm confident I will get beyond 20 (ideally closer to 25). Every new training challenge like this is a good learning experience, so now I know what I need to work on for next time.

Day 3 - Strongman Event Movement (moved from Wed) and Full-Body Accessory Day

A. Deadlift (max reps in 70 seconds) - 405x18

B. Hammer Strength Seated Rows - 5x12

C1. Bottoms Up Kettlebell Shoulder Presses - 4x10

C2. Band Pull-Aparts - 4x20

D1. Cable Tricep Pushdowns - 4x25

D2. Dumbbell Bicep Curls - 4x12

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