Catching up on writing out the logs for the past 2 weeks training sessions - This session was strict press deload and I used it as an opportunity to do some submax volume on push press, to really try and work technique..
Saturday (Overhead Explosive + Strength Work, and Upper Body Assistance)
A1. Overhead Med Ball Throws - 5x3
A2. Band Pull-Aparts - 5x15
B. Strict OHP - Triples up to top set of 165x5 (deload)
C. Push Press - 5x5 w/ 185lbs
D. Strict Press Down Set - 1x8 w/ 145lbs
E1. Seated Scap Retraction Rows - 4x10
E2. Dumbbell Incline Press - 4x15
F. Dumbbell Bicep Curls - 3x10