September 8th - Bench
Normally would squat on this day, but we had a particularly brutal day of PT on the Friday prior to this session that really smoked my legs. I figured that since I'm only training twice a week, flipping around which order I hit things in shouldn't be that big of a deal.
5 Second Eccentric Bench
Worked up to 8x2 at 355. Felt like I was getting a handle on the amount of strain and tension that goes into decently heavy tempo benching after this session.
Illegal Wide Grip Bench Press (feet up)
265x9, 1 shy of the goal
Normally would've done DB pressing here, but I had to train at a Globo Gym due to a schedule conflict and the dumbbells only went up to 90 lbs and were all being used. Go figure. These did the job though.
DB 6 Ways
3x10 @ 15 lbs
2x1 @ 20 lbs
Weighted Dips
4x10, used a dip belt instead of chains and worked up to BW+55 on my 2nd set.
Reverse Grip Pushdowns superset w/ Reverse Cable Curls
50 reps total
Leg Raises
5x10, slowest negatives possible