September 13 - Back Accessory
Had some rare spare time between morning and night classes at the academy, so I seized the opportunity and did a quick accessory workout in the small gym on campus.
Chin Ups - 3 sets of 5 with just BW, !75 ultra slow negatives
Neutral Grip Pull-ups - 4 sets of AMRAP with bodyweight
Mini Band Pull Aparts - 2x25
Micro Band Scarecrows - 3x10
H-Rolls - 3x10
Seated DB Hammer Curls - 5x10
Dragon Flag Negatives - 5x5
Knocked this workout out in under an hour.
September 17 - Squat / DL
Single Leg Dumbbell RDL (DB's in both hands)
55's 5x10
2" Sumo Block Pulls
Worked up to 495 10x1, EMOM.
Cambered Bar Squats
Worked up to 495 8x2
DB Reverse Lunges
4x10 up to the 100's per hand
GHR's with Bands
Pulldown Abs
50 total reps