September 24 - Squat / DL
Single Leg/Single Arm DB RDL
85 3x10
Superset w/
Hip Circle X Walks
5x15 paces each direction
Conventional Speed Deadlifts (monster mini band around waist anchored from the rear)
465 8x2, EMOM
Cambered Bar Squats
525 5x2
KB Goblet Front Foot Elevated Split Squats
90-something 3x10
106 1x10
Lying Hamstring Curls superset w/ TRX Ab Fallouts
5x10 each movement
9/27 - Back Accessory at the Academy
Chins - 20 reps total, took 2 sets
Neutral Grip Chins - 3x5 weighted, worked up to BW+55 lbs
DB Rear Laterals (head on bench) - 3x10
Band Face Pulls - 50 reps total
Micro Band Scarecrows - 50 reps total
Band Curls - 100 reps total
This was the week where I finally started to see the impact that the academy's having on my training. Weights that should be light are starting to feel a bit heavier, and my body's leverages are feeling a little off after losing 10 lbs. &' keeping it out of sight and out of mind as I know it's all a part of the greater plan.