10/23 - Bench Press
3-1-0 Tempo Bench Press
Worked up to 405 for 6 sets of 2. These were admittedly horrible. Slow as hell, almost felt like limit lifts. Tempo benching is so humbling. Even though I'm aware that my weight loss and cumulative fatigue of the academy is definitely taking its toll on my brute pressing strength, I'm still wanting to be better here.
Swiss Bar Wide Grip Bench Press (feet up)
285 3x6
Swiss Bar Close Grip Bench Press (feet up)
215 3x8
SSB Tricep Extensions
5x10, haven't done these in forever. They felt freakin awesome and really blew up the long head of my tricep.
Rope Pushdowns superset w/ DB Concentration Curls
4x20 into 4x12