Sat, 19 Sept 15
We trained early this morning so that Gregg could try out the car squat simulator since he had family obligations out of town later in the day. A good time was had by all. I went as heavy (probably) as I will go on the car squat sim before Maryland's Strongest Man in 7 weeks. Unless the actual car squat feels way worse than what I have been doing in training next weekend when I get to try it out. We also rigged up a viking press simulator today which worked very well. I got some video of it in action that I will post as soon as I can.
Car Squat Simulator
5x405 - Added Metal Jack briefs
3x585 - Added Metal Jack squat suit
3x765 - This is the heaviest I've ever gone on the car squat simulator and I'll mention that the heavier you go on this, the more you need people to stand on the plates anchoring the core blasters to prevent them from scooting back and potentially moving out past the end of the safety pins.
Press Medley (Circus CB/Viking Press Simulator)
band complex
1ea x 115/5x50
1ea x 115/5x90
3ea x 125/5x140
3ea x 125/5x180
2ea x 135/5x230
This was the first time I've ever tried to improvise a viking press and it worked well. It was obviously less stable than the real thing, but the instability was not enough to prohibit the use of it as a valuable training tool in lieu of being able to actually use a viking press attachment with a conan's wheel. I had planned to go up a little heavier on CDB, but I was feeling beat to hell after all the squatting and I went up heavy last weekend so I kept the CDB light today and focused more on the viking press part.
Chain Yoke
2x100' x 210
100' x 300
100' x 390
100' x 480 - I got an awkward start to this run, then got better, then got worse.
100' x 570 - Better start here, but I was fighting the weights for the entire run, which massively slowed me down. I'm actually surprised that I was able to complete the run without dropping though based on how badly it was jerking me around.
For the viking press simulator, we placed 2 bars on the safety pins of a rack, put two 25 lb plates on the end of each (same end), and separated them (the plates) so that they were on either side of one of the safety pins. We used an elitefts pro average band around both bars near the anchor end with the 25s, attached to a 150 lb DB on the floor to help make sure everything stayed in place. The band was probably a little redundant, but better that than launching one or both bars up out of the anchorage and busting up yourself or a training partner. Then we just put plates on the unanchored ends and held onto the ends of the barbells as the handles and pressed up. Like I said, I have video of this that I will try to get posted tomorrow. The first round of exams for PT school is about to hit and stress level is up around 11 on a scale of 1-10.