Sat, 3 Oct 15
The dire predictors of hurricane weather were completely full of hot air, per usual. I've been through a few hurricanes on the Eastern Shore and to me it's like breaking a bone. If you think you might have broken a bone, you didn't. When you break a bone, you know it's broken. Likewise, the weather people thought there was a chance of us being in the path of hurricane Joaquin, but the reality is we just got a little breeze and some rain showers. It was still enough to seek an indoor venue for training though, so we went to Inman's deadlift dungeon and did indoor style strongman activities.
18" Deadlift with Chains (5 sets per side)
5x135 - No chains
3x135 + 3 chains
3x135 + 5 chains
3x225 + 5 chains
3x315 + 5 chains
1x405 + 5 chains
1x505 + 5 chains
1x545 + 5 chains
1x585 + 5 chains
Circus DB C&P
band warmups
3ea x 115
3ea x 135
2ea x 155
1ea x 165
1ea x 175
1ea x 185 - Right arm was easy, left arm took some talking to, but this ties my all time left arm PR.
Farmer's Walk (30' down, drop, turn around, repick, 30' back)
60' x 110
60' x 200
60' x 250
60' x 290
58' x 340 - My grip slipped on the right side at the very end of the run and I didn't feel like repicking it for the last foot or 2. And very good work to Inman and Mike for both PRing their farmer's pick at 290 per hand and then taking a few steps forward before dropping it.
I also want to send out a HUGE congratulations to the newest ASC pros, Bryan Barrett (LW) and Ethan Farkas (HW), as well as my teammate Yessica Martinez for her 11th place finish at her first strongman nationals! To all the other guys and girls I know who competed this weekend, job well done to all of you as well. Our sport is built on the athletes and without all of you, this sport wouldn't be where it is today.