Thurs, 22 Oct 15
Anytime everything is going according to plan, you can be sure that Murphy is most likely creeping up right behind you. And thus ends my streak of training going exactly as planned - on to the backup plan. This week my exam schedule has been changed up in a way that looks favorable on the surface, but which in fact will most likely insure that there is not a week sans at least one test until after Thanksgiving, if then. Also, this week is the culmination of our first group project and as the saying goes, none of us is as dumb as all of us. So after school deadlines sidelined my normal training routine and upped my stress levels again, I got as back on track as I was able this evening. It wasn't much, but it was better than bagging my squatting for the week.
3x3x405 - All reps of all sets felt terrible today and the only two positive things I can say about training today is that 1) I did it and 2) the third rep of all three work sets was the best rep of all three work sets.
I should tentatively be able to get back onto my normal training schedule tomorrow afternoon and hopefully be good to go bright and early on Saturday AM for event day.