This week has been busy to say the least! My sister and I left for my brother's wedding on Friday, and we are currently heading back today (being able to use a computer keeps me somewhat amused throughout the trip). Once I am over this bloody hangover I will definitely feel more like squatting. Thankfully tomorrow is Civic holiday so I get to sleep in and pretty much hit the gym whenever.
I didn't get in many weight sessions this week (only one to be exact), but my percentages were lower than the first recommended week on the M2 Method anyway, so I am still treating it as an introductory week. I only had my percentages at 70% for my squats. Next week I am incorporating a box and bumping it to 80%.
The plan was actually to get a heavy upper body session in on Thursday, but last minute I wasn't able to get anyone to babysit the dogs for me over the weekend. One of my dogs was due for shots, and I wasn't able to bring them to a dog resort without the updated vaccinations, so I literally had to run out of the gym and rush her into the nearest vet and get emergency shots. Squeezed it all in and managed to get to work on time, but it was just a big stressful mess. Worked late and then had to pack. Friday morning I drove them 1.5 hours outside the city to their daycare, and then went straight onto the bus. So literally no time for training whatsoever! Frustrating, but life happens sometimes.
This was Monday's training:
bar x bunch
230x5 (x3)
right into...
185x3 (dead stop/ATG) (x2)
Leg Press:
Straight-Leg DL (smith):
50 (per side) x 12 (x3)
Leg Extensions:
some weight x 20-30 (x2)
Tuesday and Wednesday were purely jiujitsu. Got in a good 1.5 hours on both days. It's really proving to be good conditioning, and my endurance has been improving a lot!