Goal today- squat 225x5x5, with the option to go higher reps with no issues.
I had a deep tissue massage, specifically on my hamstring, this morning. Typically I wouldn't want to train after that, but light blood flow work is OK. Ended up being a good thing!
225x10x3 sets
Deficit deadlift 225x10x3sets
DB ab work on GHR 4x10
TKE 4x20
So about 50 squats and 30 deadlifts. That's more than the last 6 weeks combined.
Boring videos of my squat. All I'm looking for here is balance. I don't want to be favoring one side. I've moved my stance in so I was having some knee pain but ex wifed my quads and did some TKE's between sets. Helped a lot.