Hello again guys, it's me Joey Smith in case you forgot!
I have been on a little bit of a hiatus as of late. First reason is my body was taking a beating and I wasn't being smart like I said I would be so I had to take some down time from training. Sometimes you need to take a step back and reevaluate some things, swallow your pride and get your ego out of the way.
Aside from trying to create my own demise and end my powerlifting career early, on a good note my team performed admirably at the SPF Nationals in Tenn a few weeks ago. Everyone hit huge PR's, won some hardware, and nobody got hurt or bombed. Plus, two of my new multiply lifters, Shelly and Dillon, both had great meets. I was super excited to have our second female compete and complete in a multiply full power meet. And also have another male joining the ranks in being a fellow gearwhore.
I have said it before but I will reiterate this, it is a prerequisite at my gym for you to get into multiply you must first achieve a full power open elite total. Once that is accomplished, you are free to come to the dark side if you choose or continue to lift raw. Nine times out of ten, the lifters that achieve that goal come to the dark side. We now have five actively competing multiply lifters on our roster which is very exciting to me, two females and three males.
After another successful meet under our belts of competing as a team, we take a week off as we always do, rest up and recover. For myself I rested up a couple more weeks even after that. I have been training mind you, but none of the main lifts and more of a, I apologize for saying this, somewhat of a body building routine if you will. Just some light weights and high volume, tons of stretching, rehab, body buffering, body tempering, cupping, contrast showers, and whatever else that could possibly help my body I did.
I am training for the IPA World Championships at the Flex Lewis Classic in Murfreesboro, Tenn in October of this year. I need to be healthy, have my head on right and have my confidence high before I start this new training cycle.
But first we need a vacation....
Melissa, myself, Shelly and Jason took off to Miami Fl for a couple of days, laid out on the beach, drank beer, relaxed and ate all the food we could handle. Then we jumped on our cruise ship and headed to Key West for a couple of days and then off we went to Cozumel Mexico. So for nine days we relaxed, drank alcohol, ate a lot of food, laid out on multiple beaches while I enjoyed looking at Melissa in the smallest bikini that we could possibly fit on her, with not a care in the world, no kids, no work and no where we had to be.
It was pretty freaking fantastic!
Now that we are back state side, I am recharged and ready to go. Our new training cycle started this weekend and it started off just the way I wanted it to, on the bench press, in gear and with the biggest f@$*king bands we had in the gym! Everything went well and I came and did exactly what I wanted to do with no pain. A major plus for me. Here is what I did and the start of a new meet training schedule for me....
Here we go....
Reverse Band Bench - Multiply Benching
raw warm-ups with 2board on all sets
1 x 245 - 1
1 x 315 - 1
1 x 365 - 1
1 x 405 - 1
1 x 515 - 1
1 x 550 - 1
1 x 605 - 1
1 x 605 x 3board - 1
1 x 655 - 3board - 1
1 x 700 - 2board - 1
1 x 750 - 1board - 1
Switched to tight METAL JACK BENCH SHIRT
1 x 770 - 2board - 1
DB Shrugs
5 x 20
MAG Close Grip Lat Pulldowns
3 x 10
Assisted Pullups
3 x 10
TSUNAMI MULTI-BAR – 32” Triceps Pressdowns
10 x 20