3/23/16 - Speed Deadlifts and Back
Hard foam roll - low back, QL, T-spine, glutes
Breathing drills
McGill Big 3
45 Degree Hyperextensions
BW x 30
BW + 1 mini band x 30
BW + 2 mini bands x 30 - Glutes and hamstrings were pumped to all hell after this
Speed Deadlifts with Eleiko Bar (beltless)
Warm-ups - 135x8, 225x8, 315x5, 405x3
455 for 6 sets of 2, 60 seconds rest
Notes: Damn, the Eleiko bar is brutal. It made 455 feel substantially heavier than it should be. The Eleiko bar is what the USAPL uses for all three lifts in competition, and it is by far the stiffest bar I have ever used. I can't imagine this thing having any flex even with 800+ on the bar, and it gives me a whole new respect for some of the huge deadlifts I see coming out of the USAPL. I'll be doing all of my deadlifting this offseason with the Eleiko bar to work on speed off the floor. To pull on this bar with any sort of speed off the floor, you have to have maximal glute engagement right at the beginning at the pull, which I feel like isn't the case with the Texas Deadlift bar sometimes. I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of carry over I'll get with this bar once my next meet prep begins.
Meadows Row
5 25's x 10
5 25's x 10
5 25's + 10 lb plate x 10
6 25's x 8 - PR
Straight Arm Pulldowns
4 sets 10 reps, slow negative
Hanging Leg Raises
5 sets 15 reps
Standing Cable Crunches
5 sets 10 reps
As my log posts progress, you guys will notice how light I keep my deadlifts in the offseason. Through years of trial and error, my coach and I have determined that I'm just not built to pull heavy frequently. The bulk of my offseason deadlifting is speed pulls through a varying range of percentages, and every 5-6 weeks or so we'll work up to some moderately heavy triples. I've found this approach is the best way to keep my back healthy and not beat myself up with pulling too heavy too often.
3/24/16 - Leg Accessory
Foam roll - low back, QL, t-spine, glutes
McGill Big 3
Leg Extensions
1 set 20 reps, 3 count hold at the top, slow negative
1 set 20 reps, increased weight, 2 count hold at the top, slow negative
1 set 20 reps, increased weight, 1 count hold at the top, slow negative
3 sets 20 reps, increased weight each set, no hold at the top, pump out the reps
Notes: BRUTAL. Brutal, brutal, brutal. Never thought I'd be complaining so much after doing leg extensions...quads were blown up after these.
SSB Front Squats
335 x 12
345 x 12
355 x 12
365 x 12
Notes: Front squats are not fun after 120 reps of tempo leg extensions. Didn't need much weight at all here to destroy what little was left of my legs.
Seated Leg Curls w/ EliteFTS Average Band
4 sets 20 reps, slow negatives
Wobbled out of the gym unable to flex my knees due to the pump. I'm loving the different challenge of all the hypertrophy work I'm doing this offseason. Can't wait to see what kind of quality muscle I'll have put on at the end of this training cycle.