Off season is that time for us to hit it hard in the gym. I mean hard....
This gives us time to work on week areas, build muscle, build size where its needed, have some fun, do some different stuff and to force shit to grow. Our off season is pretty tough and most don't like it but just like any sport i.e. - football, baseball, basketball, hockey, what ever you the drift. Each of them have their off season training to do things that they cant during in season training.
This is when we get strong and get in shape. I know everyone has their way of doing things. This has been our way for over 15 years and it works fine for us. Some folks don't do off season or may not agree with what we do. That's fine. I been competing for over 20 years and have coached in over 100 meets in my life and I have competed in over 70 powerlifting meets thus far with more to compete in so What we do works for us.
I have my things I do and I have things for my athletes to work on. I know what they need and most of the time they do to. So I talk with each of them and give advice for what will be on tap for these weeks to come. For myself I take a long look at glaring needs and attack them. I have many so I am attacking a lot during this time. For myself I hit at least 1000 total reps a day for the body parts I am training. I know its a lot but I know my body and I know what works for me. I enjoy these days cause I know this is where my total begins to start adding up and PR's are awaiting me after all this. This is the put your nose to the grind and don't look up. Sweat, tears, blood....all that. Its here, believe me.
Today for me was all about the triceps. I need size, power and lock out strength in this area. Here we go....
Redneck Tsunami Bar with Chains Skull Crushers
1 x 50
1 x 40
1 x 40
1 x 50
1 x 20
Fat Bar Press Downs
200 total reps
Standing Overhead DB Tri Ext
200 total reps
DB Shrugs
200 total reps
DB Front Raises
200 total reps