*super series warm up
Reverse Average Band Bench
- Bar x 20 x 2
- 145 x 5
- 235 x 3
- 325 x 1 - added reverse band
- 415 x 1 - and I'm done
Pin Press vs. Bands
- 145 x 3 - doubled mini and light bands
- 145 x 1 - 2 - doubled light bands - and I'm done
Today was just a plethora of pain. My neck and collar bone still hurt from deadlifting a week ago, my elbow was not in the mood today at all and every time I laid down or got off the bench it felt like I'd been hit by a hammer in the ribs on my right side. It would take my breath away and I'd have to walk away and gather myself each time. Allen and Rey both suggested I stop, but I tried the pin presses anyway and made it hurt even more. Sometime ya' gotten learn the hard way I guess. The day didn't get any better as it progressed either. I burned my arm on the oven when the door swung back up on me after I'd opened it and then got side swiped by a lady later that night as I was driving home from Norah's basketball practice.
It just wasn't a good day.