
Cambered Bar vs. Chains - Parallel Box

  • Bar x 10 x 2
  • 150 x 10
  • 240 x 5
  • 350 x 3
  • 440 x 3
  • 550 x 3
  • 550 x 3 - added 80# in chains
  • 640 x 3 x 3

GHR w/ 20# med ball

  • 4 sets of 10 reps


  • 3 sets of 1 minute

My SI pain was nearly nonexistent today. I didn't even realize it until i was finished with my first heavy set. It's a good feeling and one of the first times PT has actually helped.


Today I also became a volunteer coach for the girls weightlifting team at my daughters high school. Meredith signed up for the team (which made me happy) so I'm taking this opportunity to be with her more and hopefully help the other girls on the team. From what I saw today technique is the first thing on my list of things that need to be addressed. All of them responded well to coaching so I think this will be easier than working with boys since there's less ego to deal with. Wish me luck. I'll try to make updates on things as the season/practices progress.