The following is the recap of Week 4's Training. Things continue to progress well and I've consistently been continuing to hit rep PRs or increase weight each week on my top sets.
(Training videos can be found on my Instagram page)
Day 1 - Deadlift Focus / Secondary Squats / Upper Body Accessories
A. Deadlifts: Triples w. bands up to 385x3; then 420x12 no bands (rep increase from previous wave).
B. Secondary Squats in Briefs: 8x3
C. Chin-Ups*: 4x8
*strict, with straps, stretch at bottom, neutral spine, and not to failure.
D. Tricep Pushdowns: 4x25
E. Bicep Curls: 4x10
Day 2 - Squat Focus / Full Body Accessories
A. Squats: Triples w. Bands up to 335x3; then 375x10 no bands, followed by 455x3 no bands.
B. Bent Over Barbell Rows: 4x8
C. Pushups: 4xAMRAP
D. Overhead Tricep Extensions: 4x12
E. Dumbbell Bicep Curls: 4x8
Day 3 - Bench Focus / Full Body Accessories
A. Seated Machine Rows: 4x10 (last set drop set)
B. Bench Press Top Set: Triples w. Bands up to 205x3; then 235x12 no bands.
C. YT Shoulder Raises: 4x12 each direction
D. Tricep Pushdowns: 3x25
E. Bicep Curls: 3x10
..Don't forget to check out the Peak Mental Performance Podcast