BUFFALO BAR™ vs. 80 in chains - speed work
- Bar x 10 x 2
- 145 x 5 x 2
- 145 x 3 - added chains
- 235 x 2
- 325 x 2 - added briefs
- 415 (~48%) x 2 x 2
- 465 (~54%) x 2 x 8
Deadlifts (speedish)
- 225 x 2 x 6
Ab work
After talking to some people here's the plan. I want to do this meet. It's a memorial meet for my friend Rick Lawrence and pulling out of a meet doesn't sit well with me. It doesn't help that after watching the WPO meet I knew I couldn't just sit around and not try since I don't know how many more years I have left at this. I had to figure out a way to train and get work in, but be in as little pain as possible and save the big, heavy, lifts for meet day. I'll be focusing on speed work for the next three weeks on the squat and pull and trying to get my shit straight. My picks have been awful and putting me in a forward position which immediately transfers weight to my SI joint as well as my starting position on the pull. I gotta fix that. My lower accessory day will be heavy sled drags and posterior chain work, but trying to not cause any undue stress on the lower back. I've begun stretching at home, using my tens unit, chiro and massage therapy too. All the things I should have doing all along.
With any luck this will work and I'll have a good day. If not at least I gave it a go.