For the last few months I have really applied myself on my pull. I made a decision it was finally time for this bench only guy to put forth real effort into my pull and see what happened. I have, I am and I did and that has = results.
This off season I have really worked on my weak areas hard. Off season for me is the only time you get to really focus on just weak areas and not just the main lift itself. Kind of like a pitcher works on his curve and breaking ball during his off season training so when the real season comes he has those pitches perfected for when it counts.
I have never hid from my hatred of this lift. Now that has changed, some. Now I am curious as to what I can really do with more time. Could I actually ever pull 700 pounds? Hell I don't know. Until today the most I had ever pulled off of blocks was 620 pounds. Today I pulled 680 pounds with ease. I am not getting ahead of myself trust me. This was a block pull and nothing else but it was a mental and physical barrier broken for me as well. A shot of confidence so to speak. I'm not going to start claiming I am a good or decent puller yet but I made a crack in a wall that has been in front of me for years on this lift. With more hard work and time my plan is to break that wall in front of me down....
4" Block Pulls
1 x 135 - 1
1 x 225 - 1
1 x 315 - 1
1 x 405 - 1
1 x 500 - 1
1 x 600 - 1
1 x 635 - 1
1 x 650 - 1
1 x 680 - 1
5 x 10
Leg Curls
5 x 20
Leg Ext
5 x 20
DB Shrugs
5 x 20