7/4 - Deadlift (only)
Had an abbreviated deadlift session due to an awkwardly timed work schedule, but got some great work in regardless.
Worked up to 665 for 4 sets of 2
- Very pleased with how these pulls felt. This is the fastest I've ever been able to move 660+ in the gym. Part of that is probably due to me finally learning to really pull the slack out of the bar. This simple concept is something I've always struggled with.
Reverse Band Deadlift (EliteFTS short average bands)
705 for 3 sets of 2.
- This reverse band set-up kicked my ass! The short bands allow for the weight to kick in much more dramatically than the typical reverse band setup has given me in the past. My gym has a set of chains suspended from the ceiling that allow for super easy adjustability on reverse band set-up's when used in conjunction with the EliteFTS EZ-Squat Bench Strap Load's. Pairing this set-up with the short bands allows for the bands to deload aggressively at my sticking point. Video of my 3rd set will illustrate what I'm talking about a little better:
Had to run to work after reverse bands were done.
7/5 - Finishing up Deadlift/Squat Day
Duffalo Bar Pause Squats
557 4x2
Duffalo Bar Tempo Squats (3-1-3 tempo)
506 3x3
GHR's superset with Pulldown Abs
4x10 into 4x15
7/6 - Rep Bench Day
Bench Press (paused)
Worked up to 390x7. Not a PR, but still felt solid.
Bench Press w/ Black Metal Catapult
440 4x5, pause each rep
Football Bar Incline Bench Press (medium grip)
Worked up to a painful double with 315 and called it. The beloved football bar that used to prevent my elbow pain seems to be causing it out of nowhere. These may be on the chopping block and replaced with a different speciality bar.
Rope Tricep Pushdowns
4x20, utilizing a 3-1-3 tempo for maximum time under tension.
7/7 - Accessory Day
Close Grip Away Facing Mag Grip Pulldowns
Pronated Front Delt Flies
- This is the best written description I can give of this exercise. I picked these up from Dallas McCarver's Instagram page. Awesome exercise! Hits the area where the pecs and deltoids tie in really nicely.
Cable Upright Rows
TRX Rear Delt Flies
40 reps total with bodyweight
TRX Facepulls
40 reps total with bodyweight
Seated DB Cleans
3x15, rear delts were cookin' at this point
Bicep/tricep superset
4x10 of each
7/9 - Lighter Bench Day
Bench Press
405 for 6 sets of 2
Close Grip Fat Bar Floor Press (Airex foam pads under elbows)
365 3x2
385 x 2 - all subsequent lifts are PR's on this new exercise
405 x 2
415 x 2
- I really like how these fat bar floor presses are feeling. These will be a staple for a long time to come.
Swiss Bar Military Press
185 2x8
195 2x8
- Resisted the urge to go heavier on these. Triceps were thoroughly smoked by this point.
Had to postpone biceps/triceps and run off to work.
7/10 - Finishing up arms @ Globo Gym
Incline Rolling DB Tricep Extensions superset w/ Seated Hammer Curls
50's x 12, 55's x 12, 55's x 12, 60's x 10 superset with 45's 4x10, slow negatives
Assisted Dip Machine Pushdowns superset w/ Rope Cable Curls
3x20 on both exercises
- The assisted machine Pushdowns might by the holy grail of tricep exercises for me. I formed a diamond shape with my hands on the pad, as if I were doing a diamond push-up, flared my elbows out as hard as possible throughout each rep, and kept the tempo smooth and under control. Tri's were blown up at the end and my elbows were feeling great.