So I walked into the gym today and decided I would get jacked again with Redneck Tim. As I approached him he was eating his magical McChickens....again...there seems to be a magical euphoric aura about these tiny fake chicken sandwiches, well at least in his mind he thinks so. He swears up and down that they are anabolic and I swear up and down that he is an idiot. I love him but I think he has smoked one too many doobies in his long and illustrious career.
Sorry, back to the training. Hold on a minute, did I mention that Tim constantly has Copenhagen dripping from his lip at all times throughout the day which is even worse when he is sweating, yelling and grunting. So between the McChicken and Copenhagen breath I was able to attain from him that we would be doing a "Dorian Yates back workout training session" that he was currently watching on YouTube lol.
So here's what myself and my brother from another with a rebel dew rag on his head did today:
Wide Grip Fat Bar Pulldowns
5 x 12
Seated Cable Rows
5 x 10
Some Seated Row BS Tim made up
5 x 10
Elitefts Multi Grip Bar Pulldowns
5 x 20
BB Shrugs
10 x 50