Once again, back to my most favorite lift but this time doing it as a married man might help me out LOL. I'm continuing to focus on my technique the best I can. I have stupid habits that I am doing everything I can to break.
My main issues that I am trying to fix each and every week that I pull are:
1. Sitting back better once my straps are up on m suit - I get better transfer and better pop off the floor from my suit when I sit back properly, unfortunately from time to time my dumb ass don't do this and it keeps me from getting the pop off the floor I need.
2. Staying in the "hole" too long getting my grip correct - honestly this should be number one, because this is my biggest problem. My overhand grip is never the issue, it is always perfect. Every time. My underhand grip is the culprit. Well let me rephrase that, me being a dumb-ass is the culprit. My grip is probably in the correct spot 99% of the time the first time except I feel the need to re-grip 2, 3 or even 4 times. Thinking that is helping. In turn this keeps me in the hole way too long losing air, losing momentum and losing confidence in my grip.
3. Believing in myself - this again could be number one but since these are in no particular order I'm just listing them as I type them. Confidence is a big thing for any lifter. I'm strong enough to pull more than 650 pounds, its just believing that I can and doing it. I think this is a battle that we all face with certain lifts. This is my battle.
I have always felt like knowing your problems, bad habits and dumb shit you do, if you can admit to them and face them head on you can over come them. Isn't it funny how you can relate everything you do in the gym each day into life.
Here's what I did tonight
Pulls from 2" Blocks
1 x 135 - 1
1 x 225 - 1
1 x 315 - 1
1 x 405 - 1
1 x 500 - 1
1 x 600 - 1
1 x 600 - 1
Hack Squat
3 x 10
DB Shrugs
5 x 20
Leg Curls
4 x 20
Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns
4 x 15