*super series warm-up
*face pulls
Reverse Grip Bench
- Bar x 40
- 95 x 10
- 135 x 10
- 185 x 5
- 225 x 5
- 275 x 5
- 315 x 5 x 2
- 365 x 1 - was supposed to be double, but felt hella awkward
Cable Row
- 225 x 10 x 3
DB Hammer Curl
- 60 x 10
- 80 x 10 x 2
DB rear lateral
- 50 x 15 x 3
I'm just going to stick to the reverse grip bench at this point since it hurts nearly everything less except my wrists. I'll get used to it and hopefully reap some benefits of getting some tricep work in the process.