I rebounded nicely from the deadlift disappointment of last week with 2 major PR's on the squat and bench. Had to cut most of the week's workouts short due to a packed week of work and various appointments for the FD hiring process I'm currently in, but still got quality work done. And we're beginning to taper, so a little less volume now isn't a bad thing.
7/25 - Squat
715x1 - 30 lb PR in knee sleevesVideo
I've finally adjusted to not getting the speed out of the hole that I usually get from wraps and being ok with it. Since making the transition, I've consistently felt like my sleeve squats move too slow, but then I look at the video and it tells a different story. Now, I know what a smooth sleeve squat feels like for me without having to run to the video. Great confidence boost 2 weeks out. My goal of hitting something in the 735-750 range shouldn't be an issue now.
Reverse Band Squat (EliteFTS average bands choked from the top of the monolift, on knurling of the bar. 0 assistance at top, 40isb out of the hole)
765x1 - PRVideo
Worked up to 615 for 3 singles, 60 seconds rest between.
Had to hit the door after these, got to the gym late after my pre-hire psych evaluation ran late.
7/26 - Bench
Bench Press
525x1 - 10 lb all time PR
Today was my last heavy bench day before the meet. The plan was to go up to 515 to to tie my meet PR, but I accidentally misloaded the bar to 525. I typically like to lift with a calm, cool, zen like state of mind, but something about today's workout was different. I was aggressive as hell with the weights and was just attacking every set with rage. My day was good and life's been going great, so I can't explain where the aggression came from, but it paid off in the form of an ignorant PR. I'll take it.
Bench Press w/ Mad Dog Slingshot
565x1 - PR. Didn't feel crazy heavy in my hands considering it was 565.
Feet Up Duffalo Bar Bench Press
Reverse Grip Tricep Pushdowns
75 total reps