Saturday 3.23.19
I felt good when I arrived at the gym today. I decided on Thursday that I wanted to take something heavier today since I was unable to train lower body on Wedensday.
Box Squat - box set 1.5" above parallel
worked up to 750 for a single
Dave was giving me some shit about working up so heavy without briefs on but my thought process was, provided I dont push it too far, it should help with my stabilizers and work those muscles more than when in briefs. I wouldn't try to squat to parallel with that amount of weight without breifs on though.
back attack machine
starting with 2 plates worked up doing sets of 8 to 6 plates
kneeling cable crunches
100 pounds for 3 sets of 20
Sunday 3.24.19
bench against average bands
worked up to 275 for a triple
chest supported barbell rows
185 for 8 sets of 8 reps
cable crossover pull aparts
40 for 4 sets of 12 reps
low pulley cable rows
130 for 3 sets of 20 reps
dumbbell pullovers
50 for 2 sets of 20 reps