Naughty 19 warm up
Equipped bench 620 2x2, 680 2x2, 725 1x1 *was supposed to be 1x2
Close grip bench w/shoulder saver pad and 1 chain per side 365 2x5 375x9
Band pushdowns 1x100

Terrible 20 warm up
Safety Bar Squat 225/255/285x5, 225x15
Single leg ext w/akle weight 1x50
Band pullaparts x100
Band curls x100

Nimble 19 warm up
Treadmill 20 minutes hiit
Yard work w/40 lb weight vest

Let's get to the elephant in the room shall we. Yes, I did dump 725 lbs during bench on Friday. This however was not a problem as we were benching in a power rack. I was actually glad it happened. Now that I'm training with a skeleton crew of one or two guys, there's just not enough bodies to spot. I needed to know what would happen if I were to miss.

We were doing some shirt adjusting as I went in a different shirt than last week. So my groove was changing from rep to rep. The first rep of 725 actually felt really good, but I did not touch it. I really reached on the second rep and it just got away from me. As I could feel the weight dumping toward my belly I just started to let it go. Meanwhile I see the manchild Karsten try to spot and lift it off of me. I just yelled out "Let it go." I knew the rack was there. I wanted to make sure Karsten did not hurt himself trying to hoist all that weight in a compromised position. It was no big deal at all. The weight just lowered into the rack and I snuck out the back.

So other than my pride, nothing was hurt. Well, my arms are sore as sh!t, but that happens in the shirt. That's why assistance is kept to such a minimum. I have to focus on the main lifts and recovering between bench sessions. So far so good.