![What a weekend! [Part 1]](https://www.elitefts.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/12096386_10153556630020428_5594266082196111762_n-1.jpg)
This weekend was so amazing I need three posts for it. This first post will talk about the Saturday AM and all the lifters and goings on. And the second will talk about the Saturday PM Session. The third will be about Sunday and the wrap up.
Friday was a crazy day as I was working all day, then driving down to Kingston to meet up with Shannon and the other members of the team. Shannon, Brett, Wade, Pat, Amanda and Aneta all lifted on Saturday and weighed in on Friday. Shannon and Pat (aka Titty McGritty. Or Titty for short) were the only ones doing weight cuts. They both didn’t really need to but they wanted too. Shannon cut from 154 down to 145 and Pat cut from 208 to 192 both using a simple water cut. Everyone made weight no problem and we got some food and went to bed.
In the morning we ate some Denny’s and were off to the meet at 7 :30 am. The show started at 8:30 am. Gene and Ame of the RPS along with Bradie Johnston of Kingston put on a great meet in a great venue. Walking in and seeing the set up, I knew it was going to be a great meet.
In the morning, Aneta and Amanda were in the first flight and Shannon was in the second flight. Having people in opposite flights made it really hard to help with the warm ups. I only got to see Amanda and Aneta warm up their squats.
Aneta’s Day. Or, follow the plan and succeed
Opener: 215 lbs
Second: 230 lbs
Third: 245 lbs
Smoked them all. Great start to the meet.
Opener: 115 lbs
Second: 125 lbs
Third: 130 lbs
Again, smoked them.
Opener: 295 lbs
Second: 320 lbs
Third: 340 lbs
Epic grinder on her third but got it. Aneta went 9 for 9 and beat or tied PR’s across the board! Here is her third deadlift!
Amanda’s Day. Or, as I like to call it “The day that I earned an ulcer”
Opener: 185 lbs. Crushed it.
Second: 205 lbs. No lift. She took about 39 seconds to get to the bottom. Not sure what happened. On to the next one.
Third: 205 lbs. No lift. Got a little squirrely in the bottom and ended up cutting it high.
Opener: 110 lbs. Good lift
Second: 115 lbs. Good lift
Third: 120 lbs. Good lift
Deadlift. This is where I thought I was going to have a heart attack.
Last warm up: 225 lbs. Like there was no weight on the bar. Crushed it.
Opener: 245 lbs. Nothing. Stapled. Didn’t even break the ground. I thought “Oh shit. What did I do?” She has hit 245 for a double a couple weeks before with no belt and on a shitty bar. It ‘s ok we will smoke it on her next one.
Second: 245 lbs. Stapled again. This one really opened up the water works. She was a little misty eyed after the first one. This one cause full out crying. I have never personally had this happen to a lifter before so my reaction was 100% winging it. After trying to consul her for a bit. We went into the warm up room. She had lost all confidence in herself. Shannon was warming up for her deadlifts and has 225 on the bar. I said pull that right now. Amanda crushed it again. All we have to do now is go do that on the platform.
Third: 245 lbs. Everyone in the crowd was screaming their heads off. They knew what was going on and that if she didn’t get this lift she was going to bomb out of her first meet ever. She went to the bar, already fighting back tears, grabbed it. Sat back and stood up. The place went crazy for her. As soon she go the down command, I could see the tears streaming down her face. She got it. Good lift!! Thank god.
Shannon’s day: #memegeneratorday
Opener: 250 lbs. No problem
Second: 275 lbs. Strong but got a little on her toes.
Third: 295 lbs. NO LIFT. But turned into a great video and she dropped into her squat and fell in the chains. It took less than 2 seconds. I got a great screen cap of this. Shannon was fine physically and you will see with the rest of her day;)
Opener: 130 lbs. Light, but got out of the groove a little on the way up
Second: 135 lbs. Back in the groove. Easy
Third: 145 lbs. Nailed it!! It was work but she got it!
Opener: 295 lbs
Second: 315 lbs
Third: 330 lbs. Smashed it!!! They were the perfect attempts. 3rd was work but a great way to finish the day!!
I was a great venue for he meet. The portaloos were a great idea.
Food trucks next year for sure!!
I'll buy a hot dog cart if I need too lol