APF Nationals - Michigan June 12


Although this is my first week I cannot express how stoked I am with the way things are going. Weights are moving well, my body is feeling strong and not in pain, which is fantastic! Usually after ME lower days I cannot even eat all my meals, due to the attempt at only doing singles to best balance the risk > reward equation it is all going well. Eager to see how this goes as we maintain training throughout the next few weeks and if it was solely due to taking a break from this style of training.



This Grip thing has been quite the undertaking but I think I may be getting it. out of 15 sets of Speed Pulls 10 of them, I did hook grip and they actually felt better than the last 5 mixed grips pulls I attempted. This has given me a hopeful mindset going into Max Effort Deadlift come Sunday which will be done at the S5 compound during the EliteFTS Summit this weekend.



Dynamic effort day hits FOUR things at one time if you are missing any one of these four you may as well just walk out of the gym.

1- Technique: Depending on your program you will have anywhere from 12- 36 reps you will be performing. This means you have 12-36 chances to teach yourself good technique or crappy technique. This is about 2-3x more than any other compound exercise you do during a week. Ill argue that this day (outside of the adaptation of straining) is the most important day in the Conjugate system. Make your reps count so your technique gets better, most of the time its a technical issue not a strength issue.

2- Explosiveness: This is a trained trait if you never played sports in grade school or high school this will be a loooonnnng process in developing. All you need to do is go into these sets with the mindset of moving the weight VIOLENTLY fast!

3- Conditioning: If you are not dropping out of a strength phase after a meet you are doing this entire strength thing wrong. You need GPP to increase your base and the ability to recover aka conditioning. DE day is for conditioning, that is why your rest periods need to be kept to MAX 60 second's and that's if you are a bigger person!!! You should be sweating after DE DAY!!!

4- RECOVERY: YES, DE effort is a form of recovery THAT'S WHY MOST PEOPLE ARE USING T0 HIGH OF A PERCENTAGE. Drop your ego, drop the weight, move it fast, and watch the magic happen



  • Speed Squats 12x2: 235 + 6 chains: flat shoes hole 2
  • Speed Deadlifts 15x1: 245 + 6 chains
  • Sumo RDL’s 3x8: 185 + 4, 205+ 4, 235 + 4
  • Reverse Banded Hyper 3x20: red and green
  • Rear Foot, Goblet, Elevated Split Squat 3x15: skip
  • Paloff Holds 3x 1:00 #5

