Coaching the APF Illinois State Meet
What's on the Agenda next for me? Easy I am not doing A THING in the gym this entire week. I hound others about this and although I feel like trash by Saturday cause I want to move I do it outside of the gym, like trying to ice skate with my kids (fail).
I have been seeing my peers do wonderful things in their careers lately and I would like to be more business-minded a grow it more than what it has since I have moved. God has blessed me with clients - in person and online - that value the information I have and how I coach. I still would like to reach more. This company, EliteFTS has open endless doors for me and I would like to start opening more of them.
Website - I have recently just launched my website where I'll be posting all my Instagram content and exercise index videos to hopefully aid people in proper movements and making their training better with one more platform for them to access me.
Coaching - The majority of our gym will be competing at the Illinois State Meet and I want to advance my ability as a coach in aiding all 20 of them to have the most amount of success possible. I also want to develop more as a coach which will entail reaching out to recent and past clients to get a preview of what I can do better.
Family - I need to spend more time with my family, especially during the winter break. I am currently typing this and everyone is outside shooting hoops. Don't worry I was out there earlier getting my "J" right, I am managing my time well and it's allowing to enjoy our new house as a family.