After coming off my best meet performance of my career, I am now taking some time to focus on competing in bodybuilding over the spring of 2017. My nutrition coaching is through Cliff Wilson, and I have not yet determined the shows I'm competing in at this time.
For programming and coaching inquires, please email SmitleyPerformanceSystems@gmail.com or visit brandonsmitley.com
Well after having one hell of a stellar meet, it's time to give some ideas of where my training will be heading for the next few months. With no powerlifting meet until the end of May, I've got a long time to really just train and enjoy the process. The nutrition coaching will be what carries me onto stage conditioned and ready, and if anything I just need to work on a few body parts.
Here's how my training will be set up moving forward. Enter the Conjugate Monster - conjugate training with some bodybuilding. And yes, I'll be training seven days per week!
Saturday - Max Effort Lower (Powerlifting Emphasis); Glutes/Hams
Squat Based Movement - max 5-10 rep set; 1-3 back down sets
Squat Based Supplemental - 3-4 worked sets of 6-12 reps
Single Leg Work - 3-4 sets
Posterior Chain Work - 3-4 sets
Abs - 3-5 sets
Sunday - Max Effort Upper (Powerlifting Emphasis); Triceps
Bench Press Based Movement - max 5-10 rep set; 1-3 back down sets
Close Grip Bench Press Based Movement - 3-4 working sets of 6-12 reps
Tricep Dominant Movement #1 - 3-4 sets, heavy
Tricep Dominant Movement #2 - 3-4 sets, moderate
Tricep Dominant Movement #3 - 3-5 sets, high rep
Rear Delt/Upper Back Movement - 3-5 sets
Abs - 3-5 sets
Monday - Back and Biceps (Bodybuilding)
3-5 Back Exercises for 3-5 working sets
2-4 Bicep Exercise for 2-5 working sets
Tuesday - Dynamic Effort Lower (Powerlifting Emphasis); Glutes/Hams
DE Squats - 8-12 doubles, likely box squatting until closer to meet
RE Squats - either a top end set or 2-3 sets for volume
DE/ME Deadlifts - will alternate between 6-10 speed singles, or max effort 3-6 RM
RE Deadlifts/Good Mornings/Hinge - 2-3 sets for volume
Posterior Chain Movement #1 - 2-4 sets
Posterior Chain Movement #2 - 2-4 sets
Abs - 3-5 sets
Wednesday - Chest/Shoulders (Bodybuilding)
3-5 Chest Exercises for 3-5 working sets
4-7 Shoulder Exercises for 2-5 working sets
Thursday - Legs (Bodybuilding); Quads
3-5 Leg Exercises for 3-5 working sets, focused more on quad based movements
Calves - 3-6 working sets
Friday - Dynamic Effort Upper (Powerlifting Emphasis); Back
DE Bench Press - 6-10 triples
RE Close Grip Bench Press - top set of 6-10 reps
DB Pressing Variation - 3-4 sets
3-5 Back Exercises for 3-5 working sets
Abs - 3-5 sets
Things could change a little bit as I move forward and figure out what I need to emphasize a little more. But I still want to try to continue to build solid density on my frame, as I feel that is my strength. As I get closer to a competition, I'll likely drop some of the powerlifting based days to more traditional bodybuilding based work to bring out the details...but we'll see what happens. I'm really looking forward to the variety of training.
As for my training log videos...I have no idea how I'm going to do this. I'm leaning towards just doing a weekly video highlighting things, but feel free to let me know in the comments what you'd prefer to see. I just know that I can't make 7 training videos a week. Making the 4 that I was, was pushing my work loads some week as it was. Feedback always appreciated!
great work. i'm looking forward to your results from this next year.
Thank you! This is great feedback and think this is the route I'm tending to lean towards. Should be a fun spring competition wise.
Excellent, thanks for the feedback!
Haha, lots of work, but certainly should be.
I think you should do a weekly recap of training and maybe 3-4 days later (after your weekly recap post) make another video/post about your nutrition, macros, food you ate for that week.
This is a really cool idea. I think this is pretty doable. Thanks!
Thanks for the kind words. This looks like something I'm definitely capable of doing, so I'm definitely leaning that route. Thanks for your input!
Awesome, and thank you! I'm really hoping with just a weekly updated training video that it will let me be able to have more content on things like that.
Absolutely. I think it's still important to use difference disciplines to be a well rounded athlete. It all just keeps me sane and changes things up. Hopefully I can have a fraction of the success in bodybuilding as I have in powerlifting. Thanks for reading!