If you follow my training log regularly you've seen that I haven't posted in a 10-14 days. My excuse: I'm in the process of opening a gym. Union Fitness in downtown Pittsburgh is my new baby. We're located on the North Shore right behind the stadiums.
I was connected with a couple partners out of New York city. They came to Pittsburgh, bought an old mall, and are turning it into a huge tech/co-working/corporate space. It is currently the second largest urban renovation project in the U.S. Fortunately they've given me the reins to building out and running a gym as part of their space. I couldn't be happier with how it turned out. (Below is a video of our group training space.)
We have 10,000sq ft which includes a spin/yoga room, fitness center, and our group training room- which is outfitted with 99% EliteFTS equipment.
The past two weeks have been a blur- working 5am-8pm or later getting things buttoned up for our grand opening, which has come and gone. It was a great weekend, but it's time for me to get back to sleeping and eating properly.
I'm competing December 4 at the Lexxen XXX meet in Columbus. I wanted to qualify with my 1st/2nd attempts and take a shot at 2100 at 220 in sleeves. Given the last couple of weeks of training, I don't know if those numbers will be there. If I'm being honest with myself I'm just run down and tired. But I'm excited to get back to the platform raw for the first time since February 2015!
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