This bar has always been goofy for me. I always complain about small hands and pair that with the bad habit of letting my wrist fold back slightly while holding a REGULAR bar during bench this thing was a nuisance. I found myself repeatedly trying to compensate and have my wrists wanting to roll forward. There were a few reps where I was not sure if the bar would roll forward into my chest. Overall a lot of solid reps done benching!
*Fat Bar Bench 4x2: 330
*Football Bar Bench Press 3x10: 225
*Pull-ups (Wide, Neutral, Chin-up) 4x8 each: 59-52-52-46
*DB Bench Press 3x20: 50
*Incline DB 3x20: 40-50-50
*Upper Body Sled - Press, row, chest fly, rear belt fly: 2x each down and back
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/SU5_q7JA0UA" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>